Welcome. Enjoy a look at my life and ministry here in rural India
The harvest is great but the laborers are few.
The opportunity for ministry here in remote Andra Pradesh is enormous. At the present time there is more work than we can ever accomplish. We currently have an open door to minister but the Hindu opposition is getting noticeably more. Unlike some of the Hindu nationalist states we do not suffer with persecution for preaching the Gospel or for bringing people to Christ however is starting to change and as people are converted so the enemy starts to get annoyed and makes attempts to block the preaching of the Gospel We need to seize the opportunity before us and make this time count because we do not know for how long the door will be open to us.
For those who want to get involved with missions and reaching the untouched parts of the world here is an opportunity to get involved. There are a number of things you can do but most importantly pray for us because without prayer nothing happens.
Working in school to hep improve English
We need volunteers who can come and work with kids for a few weeks or months. In fact we also are looking for teachers who would like to commit to working with us for a school year - June to -April. Volunteers must have a CRB certificate and some experience of working with Children. They do not however need to be a qualified teacher to get involved as a volunteer with this area of ministry
Prayer with people during a trip to the forest
For those looking to get involved with missions we are always looking for volunteers who have some desire to get involved with teaching and evangelism for a few weeks at a time. We are always looking for people who want to come for a short missions trip lasting between 2-4 weeks. Some experience of preaching and /or teaching is essential for this involvement but you do not need formal Bible College training.
Church build in a rural village by supporters of the ministry
For those who want to get involved with supporting people we are always looking for sponsors for young people's college education. We also look for short term sponsors who commit to seeing one project finished such as a church building in a remote area or building a house for a pastor.