Welcome. Enjoy a look at my life and ministry here in rural India
Our Christian ministry has grown considerably from when we started the work. We now have established a number of churches in remote areas and continue to work with local pastors in evangelism, church planting and church development. We spend some of our time working in the forest or jungle areas where there are many people who have never heard of Jesus Christ but due to the difficulty of actually reaching them are unlikely to ever hear unless we go to them.
We hold pastors conferences every year to encourage the Christians in the local area. Many pastors have a limited education and lack of biblical knowledge. Error and heresy are common here and so to strengthen and develop the church we make teaching available to all believers.
Evangelism in an untouched village
Our Campus art Kuntinivasala village is surrounded by 300+ villages that have never heard of Jesus Christ at all. We make regular trips to remote villages to preach the Gospel spending 1-2 days per month in this area of ministry.
A day of ministry to such areas starts as early as 5.30am with a gathering of the troops for the day, prayer and then of course the journey to the proposed location. Usually there is a stop for breakfast and we all travel in our pick up truck and auto carrying all we need for the day. All our pastors come long and we work from early morning through till lunchtime and then after a break we continue for the afternoon.
Depending on where the ministry happens we also sometimes hold an evening Gospel meeting to catch all the people who were working during the day.
One of our newly established churches
Our ministry has succeeded in planting a number of churches in remote villages. it is a huge undertaking to start a new work but if a pastor has a heart for the work and steps out in faith then we work with them to see a new church established.
Once a group of believers are converted then we start to seek God for the means to build a church building. A building here is necessary for a number of reasons. Most people's houses are very tiny and so there is not really enough room to make a house a point of meeting. Also with the caste system meeting in a house can cause problems for people wanting to attend. Whilst caste is of no importance to believers when a person comes to Christ they may be ignorant of such things and find coming to a house difficult if there is a conflict with their caste. Also people seeking to find Christ will not come to a persons home if they are of another caste that is below them. A church building therefore becomes a neutral place people can freely attend.
Man hunting with bow and arrow in forest
We also spend some time working in the jungle or forest areas where many people live who have not heard the Gospel. This is a much needed area of ministry as there are many people living in the remotest of areas who would never travel to a meeting and are therefore unlikely to ever hear about Christ if we do not go to them.
We travel tot he forest with all the supplies needed for the day including water to drink and food as there are no shops, roads or facilities of any sort. We drive into the forest as far as we are able then the rest of the ministry occurs on foot. We have to walk between settlements to preach the Gospel. We may find a group of 20 + people living in a settlement or there may be even less than that. At these villages awe preach the Gospel to any and all who will hear.
In the last couple of years we have spent 3 days at a time using motor bikes to travel on and trusting God to meet every need for the trip. God has been gracious and helped us by providing people to give us a place to stay and food everyday. Our last mission saw 50 villages visited with the gospel, a huge undertaking and a great success.
We have seen some remarkable healings', deliverance's and salvation on these mission trips.