Welcome. Enjoy a look at my life and ministry here in rural India
Every child deserves a chance of a better future through education. 50% of kids in India leave school before they are 10yrs old
Our school is situation on our campus in Kuntinivasala village in Rural Andra Pradesh. Its main function is to educate the poorest of children free of charge.
Some children come to us at 10+ years of age never having been to school before. We do occasionally take them but for the majority this is too old. They have to be ready for external exams by 14 years and so there is not time to teach illiterate children in English in such a short time. It is always sad to turn a child away but to make the best use of our limited resources we try to take children between the age of 4-7. At this age they can easily learn all that is necessary to be ready for future exams.
Education to the age of 15 is not really sufficient to transform a child's future so we take the best of our children who show the most promise and who come from the poorest families and continue to support them through further education. This is a costly business but one that can transform not only their lives but that of their families as well.
At present we have young people studying engineering, business, nursing and IT. Some of these young people have been with us for ten years now and it is joy to see the transformation from children to intelligent, healthy and educated young people.
We started with 20 of the poorest children and now have 50 in our children's home.
Children who come to us are from the poorest of families. Often their is only one parent and they are not able to properly feed the child through lack of funds.
Our children enjoy good food every day and a chance to be a child without fear of enforced work. For some it is more than just a hostel where they can go to school it is really their home.