Teaching Ministry

Nicky Samuel has a well established teaching ministry.  In India there is a great need for Christian teaching but that need is also seen around the world.  She has a reputation for bringing some amazing truths from what often appear to be some of the most boring passages of Scripture.

The Scriptures fascinate me with their ability to surprise us.  Sometimes as Christians we are so familiar with the passages we fail to notice what is in front of us.  These two audio recordings   show some amazing things I found in Scripture.

Living on the edge

This book is Nicky Samuel's personal testimony of her life and calling to the ministry. 


All Sixes and Sevens

Man is both a natural and a spiritual being.  This book looks at some of the interesting symbolism of six and seven that relate to man and his labours  and spiritual perfection.  

4 Shadows

This book relates four incredible pictures hidden in the scripture that demonstrates some fundamental Christian truths.


Finding the Place where God speaks.

This book looks at how a Christian can be certain that they heard God's voice. It is full of practical and spiritual truths that enable a believer to be certain they are not deceived.

Finding the Place Where God Speaks
By Nicky Eatalapaka, Nicky Samuel
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